Beat the Market Analyzer is a financial analysis and research tool that helps investors discover and track investment opportunities. Its advanced algorithms and analytics tools help users identify trends, assess risk, and make informed decisions.
Hello again everyone- this time I am taking a look at Beat the Market Analyzer, which is great for evaluating stocks in a very easy way. If you are a fan of the great Warren Buffett, this is more or less a digital adaptation of his criteria for whether or not to invest.
It’s not very expensive-only $99 per year-and I really think it’s helpful in many ways. I should note that like you, I am just trying to build a strong portfolio. I was not granted a free membership or given any reward for this review.
So, come with me-let’s learn the nuts and bolts of this program and how it can help you.
Overview Of Beat The Market Analyzer
The pricing for this program is pretty solid, costs only $70 for the half-year plan and $99 for the full year. You can also take advantage of the one-week trial program for free.
The parameters which measure the viability of the markets are based upon Buffett and Graham’s knowledge, strategies and publications. Company info of the stock in question is also utilized.
A series of mathematical formulas along with critical company info is used to create metrics that work. And even though this sounds advanced (it is) it is written for the layman investor as opposed to the Wall Street veteran.
For instance, the metrics are written in phrasing like “Return on Equity Score” and use a number scale from 1 to 12, 15 or 16.
This alone is a huge selling point, and very accessible. It tells you what stocks are good and bad using an easy to understand numeral rating.
Some parts of the program are still very much like traditional programs. For instance, this tool is not going to find stocks for you. You must write down the symbols of stocks you would like to check out.
That being said, it is easy to compare and contrast them using the metrics provided. You can literally examine them side by side and go from there. It couldn’t be easier!
How It Works & Features
You already know it makes use of the great knowledge of Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham-already this is a strong foundation. Combine this with the derived metrics, and you end up with a price at which the program feels fair for buying a stock.
If the program finds that there is anything questionable about the stock, the analyzer will throw up a red flag and advise you against purchasing-all thanks to the fundamental analysis the program offers for each and every stock.
Another thing I really liked about this particular program was the Qualitative Analysis checklist. This will keep you from investing on a whim. This particular program was music to my ears-after all I have been known to be somewhat of an impulsive person.
You answer a series of basic queries. You assess how well your understanding of the company is, complete with Buffet quotes along the way. You examine whether or not the price for the stock is fair based on Beat the Market’s analysis, and you review any red flags the program finds.
You also have the chance to make notations along the way. This program is amazing as you can keep a record that shows HOW and WHY you chose to purchase shares in. It helps you as you grow in your trading ability.
My Experience and Thoughts
As you can probably tell from my review, I found the program to be a huge help in formulating my own strategy for the markets.
I found all the info to be presented in a way that is easy to understand. I should note that even though I have been studying stocks for a while, I always appreciate when things are easy as can be.
I also like that it helps you to be rational when it is time to invest. I can’t stress enough the importance of having a good money management strategy when you take to the markets.
After all, if you fail to manage your money in a good way, you end up walking away from the markets with nothing-not even any capital from a sound investment to make up for your not so great ones.
This keeps you on your feet and makes sure you are investing in a sound way by guiding you through some easy to understand questions based on the greatest financiers of our time.
Lastly, I found the program to be utterly priceless. The price for the program is just $99, and the time I saved by not having to waste time researching pointless stocks was worth it. Like other amateur traders, I do not have heaps of time every day for this.
Now don’t get me wrong-this is not for everyone. I personally love the investing style of Buffett, so this program works for me. But if this is NOT your way of investing, you may wish to look elsewhere.
I also noted that sources for the information provided about the companies was not listed, so I found myself doing my own research on a few occasions to really verify if something was as questionable as they stated.
Pros and Cons
Although I found the experience to be mostly positive for this program, let’s look at both sides for a fair and balanced analysis.
I suggest you get your hands on this immediately if you want a good way of choosing stocks that are built to perform. This takes out heaps of guesswork and really narrows it down. For newbies, this is a confidence booster and for veterans, this helps you save time. Check it out ASAP.
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