Market Navigator Review




Market Navigator is a tool designed to assist investors in navigating the complex world of markets. It provides real-time data, analysis, and personalized insights, empowering users to make informed investment decisions with confidence.

As a beginner trader it can be difficult to find your footing in the highly competitive trading/investing landscape, especially when you lack a mentor to show you the way.

However, all hope is not lost. You can get assistance from the Jeff Williams Market Navigator program.

Market Navigator is a market trading strategy led by Jeff Williams. It is designed to offer SPY options trades daily to its subscribers. A lot of people love it for two main reasons. First, it is consistent, so you can be sure to get trading insights every day. Secondly, it sometimes tracks the SPY index twice a day giving you an opportunity for a come-back should things go haywire with your first trade of the day.

In this article, we’ll take a deeper look into Market Navigator, unpacking what it offers.

Let's roll.

Who Is Jeff Williams?

jeff williams

Before getting to the review, let's understand who Jeff Williams is.

Jeff Williams is a renowned educator and trader within the stock market industry. With over a decade’s worth of experience under his belt, he has developed several trading strategies, one of them being the Market Navigator we are reviewing here.

Previously, he was a gym teacher at an elementary school alongside Jason Bond (Raging Bull’s co-founder).

Additionally, he founded Penny Pro, an educational trading website. He also runs the Ape Hunter Service at Raging Bull.

He is an excellent trader and transparent in his trade alerts and analysis.

What You Get

jeff williams trading

As you enroll in the Jeff Williams Market Navigator, here are some features to expect from the service.

1. Pre-market Analysis On SPY

Almost an hour before the market opens, you get an email from Market Navigator highlighting everything that has happened, including the futures and European Markets.

This is a good service if you want to monitor the overall market.

2. Technical Analysis

In the email, you also get the market’s technical analysis. Jeff Williams is one of the Best technical analysis experts out there. He highlights what he feels will happen given the market’s technicals but also considers what might happen to the bank.

Generally, Jeff provides a morning market update, the day’s educational focus, and key trading areas on the technical analysis.

3. Economic Calendar

If you’ve traded before, you definitely understand how vital this calendar is. It highlights upcoming events in the market, stating when they will take place.

These events have a significant influence on the market's reaction, so having the calendar places you in a vantage position in the market. It keeps you informed and assists you understand the market’s reaction to events at a given time to avoid chopping up your trading career to pieces.

4. Chat Room

The chat room is usually live for the first couple of hours of the day, takes a break over midday, and resumes in the afternoon. This chat room can be extremely helpful to amateurs since here you can get Jeff Williams’ running commentaries on the day. These commentaries are spot on since he is skilled in tutoring.

Jeff Williams puts lots of effort into being transparent and assisting the subscribers. He walks you right through each trade and never shies away from explaining his losses, making Market Navigator one of the best trading strategies services available today.

5. Live Reversal Trading

This is an exciting method of trading, and you get to experience it in real time with Jeff Williams.

In his trading plan, there is a category called mid-morning reversal. It runs from around 11 a.m. to 11.30 am. Here, he looks for a market change of direction and determines the course of action to take.

For example, if he spots a morning run-up, he looks for a pullback, but in case of an early fall, he looks for a move higher.

6. Jeff’s Trading Journal

This journal has a record of all of Jeff William’s trades. You can access it so long as you are a subscriber and get a taste of how successful he has been in the past.

The journal is important because it solidifies Jeff’s credibility as an experienced trader, capable of guiding you in your trading journey.

7. Daily S&P 500 trades of the day

This comes as part of the daily email. Jeff Williams mentions the exact time, trade, and stock so you can trade with confidence. For example, his alerts read something like “Today’s Trade of The Day is SPY April 21 $411 Calls”.

You can also get the day's trades in the chat room on a live stream. They are normally sent out at 9 a.m. EST.

8. Audible 

This is a trade idea usually in the opposite direction of the trade of the day. Jeff Williams begins market analysis much earlier before sending you your daily Market Navigator email. This is because market conditions may change, so he wants to make sure he’s one step ahead of this. This also gives him room to recommend an alternative trade idea for the day.

An example of an audible is “Today’s Audible Trade of The Day is SPY April 21 $415 Puts”.

9. Trade Alerts

Want to get real-time entries and exits? Jeff Williams gives you immediate trade alerts when he spots a potential opportunity. You get to listen to his rationale, in-depth analysis, and entry or exit plans for each trade.

10. Trading Academy

If you want to accelerate your learning curve in the marketplace, Market Navigator gives you a very good platform.

Jeff William’s Training Academy accords you with a unique mix of in-depth market analysis and trading education. The program empowers you to trade like a pro by teaching you top-tier strategies and cutting-edge insights.

In the daily email, you get a teaching schedule section that highlights the following:

  • Trade of the day scanner
  • Video Lessons
  • A featured video
  • Market Navigator Chat Room with Jeff Williams

Whether you want to learn how VIX assists with his trades in the morning or how to use the Greeks in calculating options pricing, you’ll learn it all from Jeff Williams.

Trade Results

jeff williams trade results

To boost transparency, Jeff Williams records all his trades in a trade journal accessible to all Market Navigator subscribers. Overall, the trade results are super, and he seems to have a pretty decent success rate (Disclaimer: individual results may vary).

The trades are somewhat quick and happen shortly after the market opens. Normally, a trade is expected to last between 10 minutes and an hour.

However, Jeff Williams occasionally holds overnight trades, which either turn out to be huge wins or losses. This is, however, not advisable for people with small accounts because of the risk levels associated. In that regard, it's advisable to take small gains intra-day than take a big overnight risk of loss.

The average, typical win per trade is about 15%. The losses can be larger but won’t cancel out all the wins so long as you keep a tighter stop loss than Jeff.

It is Key to be cognizant that strategies that produce results need to be tested for months or even more. Putting off or lulling a strategy based on how it has performed within a week of joining is not recommended.

For example, the Bullseye Trades service, run by Jeff Bishop (founder of Raging Bull), made a lot of money in 2022. However, it has been a rough patch in the first few months of 2023. So people knowing about or joining the program in 2023 can easily give up, thinking it is ‘bad.’

People who have followed the Bullseye Trade service since 2022 are more likely to hang on than let a handful of trades dictate whether the program is profitable or not.

This same logic applies to Jeff Williams Market Navigator's daily trades. Test it for months or more before putting it off or lulling it.

Subscriber Comments

Most of the people subscribed to Jeff Williams Market Navigator are well pleased with the service they get. This is evident from what they have to say in the chat room.

Some mentioned they had been members for two years and received exceptional service.  Others applauded the quality of education, stating that it is awesome and great.

Jeff is also praised for being awesome, a great service provider, and fun to learn from.


In a nutshell, Jeff Williams Market Navigator is a wholesome service if you are looking to boost your expertise in the stock market. You get an updated and comprehensive market analysis daily, even if you don't intend on actioning the trade alerts.

The market commentary can come in handy to guide your trades.

If you want to know how the market will evolve during the day, this service gives you that information. You also get to learn new market techniques and strategies from the resource.

Jeff Williams provides educational materials that make it easy to learn the market ropes, and on the premium version, you get access to exclusive videos and webinars. He is keen on providing accurate and thorough analysis and timely trade alerts to help you stay ahead of the market.

If you want an accurate and dependable market analysis that provides actionable trades, Market Navigator is a suitable choice. This is because of Jeff William’s dedication to his craft, making it an invaluable tool for any investor or stock trader.