Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement Review




Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement is the ultimate resource for individuals looking to build and manage a successful retirement plan. Expert financial advice, investment recommendations, and personalized support are all offered to help individuals secure their financial futures.

One topic that is often frowned upon by many Americans is that of retirement. We believe it is because most people are not sure how they will survive on a pension check.

The statistics do not offer much hope either, as a report by the Federal Reserve states, that up to 25% of Americans are unprepared for retirement. Even with the grim numbers, there is still hope in the form of investor guides meant to show you the right way to prepare for your retirement.

There are many such guides out there, but our article shall focus on the Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement (RYR) guide. Let’s see the role that this product can play in your retirement life.

What is Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement?

rule your retirement

This is a newsletter that is designed to offer advice with regards to retirement. It pays attention to the future rather than short-term investments, and it is a service that you could take advantage of if you are retired or close to that stage.

When you subscribe to the service, you will get advice on different topics on better retirement, and they include assets allocation, setting goals for your retirement, and retirement investment accounts. Further, the service also covers other vital issues such as taxes, debt management, social security, and real estate.

The advice is not limited to finances as there are discussions on other issues of importance to the aging population, such as health and wellness.

About the Developer

Robert Brokamp

The creator of this service is Robert Brokamp, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). He is RuleYourRetirement’s lead advisor, and before joining Motley Fool in 1999, Robert used to be a financial advisor and an English teacher.

It is here that he gathered the necessary combination of skills to put together this newsletter.

Besides running RuleYourRetirement, Robert also authors finance articles for Motley Fool and other leading publications such as Newsweek and Better Investing.

What Will you Get in "Rule Your Retirement"?

When you subscribe to this service, you will be receiving a newsletter every month, on the first Thursday. Further, you will also receive a detailed weekly investment overview from Robert himself. 

And that is not all, as you will also get access to special reports, previous newsletters, webinars, and a forum where you will interact with fellow subscribers to the program. As if that’s not enough, there is a financial calculator that aims to help you plan your finances.

The Key Benefits

Here, we shall discuss the key topics that this program covers. All of them aim to give you better personal finance skills and making wiser investment decisions.

We have discussed the topics below.

1. Model Portfolios

This is one topic that we believe you will greatly appreciate. This is because the Rule Your Retirement team offers structured portfolios that aim to guide you on your assets’ optimal allocation. These portfolios are a blend of EFTs and mutual funds.

Both models will come with three time-sensitive options.

If you grasp every piece of information that this topic offers, you should avoid making total losses in your investments by having the right mix of assets.

2. Retirement Budgeting

A common mistake that many retirees make is that they assume they no longer have to keep their spending habits in check. Having a personal budget in your retirement is vital as you have to learn how to survive on a fixed income.

Luckily for you, Rule Your Retirement offers you budgeting tips that you may find useful in your retirement. The program will advise you on managing your debts, which is vital in giving you full control over your finances.

3. Social Security Benefits

Social Security is another important topic that you ought to get right. Unfortunately, this is not often the case. The amount that you will eventually get depends on how you claim your retirement benefits and the timing.

Luckily for you, RuleYourRetirement offers you vital tips on how you can deal with this confusing issue. The development team has come up with practical tools such as comprehensive calculators, which would enable you to calculate your benefits more effectively.

This program will also provide you with some tips on how you could maximize your social security benefits.

4. Retirement Accounts

We believe that you are wise enough to save a substantial amount of money for your retirement. The next step is multiplying this money, and the obvious route to take is opening a retirement account.

With all the options available out there, it can be not very clear settling on the account that would be perfect for you.

Rule Your Retirement will provide you with guidance on finding the right retirement account in such a scenario. Further, you will also get vital pointers on getting the most from investment accounts.

Some of the advice you are getting includes how you can allocate your earnings so that your retirement fund could get to optimum levels.

5. Retirement Investment Strategies

There are numerous long-term investment options that can boost your retirement fund’s growth, and Rule Your Retirement will help you settle on the right one.

The service will help expand your investment scope since it is not limited to stocks only.

6. Estate Planning

One of the most frowned-upon topics is death, but whichever way you look at it, you always have to plan for life after death for your loved ones. If you happen to die without proper estate planning, you will likely leave your family in a severe financial crisis.

RuleYourRetirement will help you commence on your estate planning early enough so that death does not end up catching you by surprise.

7. Property and Mortgages

This topic will cover how your property and housing could have an impact on your retirement savings. Here, you will get advice on how you can sell your house as you approach or after retirement and reap maximum returns from it. 

Additionally, Rule Your Retirement will tell you whether it is wise to downsize your house when retirement is close-by or whether relocating in retirement has an impact on your savings.

8. Insurance

Insurance cover is important in protecting you from unforeseen events. So, Rule Your Retirement will point out what you need to get coverage for under Medicare to be on the safe side.

On top of that, you will find tips on how you can handle emergencies better in retirement.

9. Health and Wellness

In retirement, one of the important things that you have to look out for is your health. So, the service will advise you on living a healthier and happier life in retirement.

Also, RuleYourRetirement will help you know when is the ideal time to call it quits on your professional life.

10. Paying for College

Lastly, this topic will tell you all you need to know about college tuition tax breaks, college savings plans, and how Americans cope with college costs.

What’s the cost?

rule your retirement cost

To access this program’s features, you either go for the one-year or the two-year subscription. The former goes for $99 while the latter costs $149. Then, Motley Fool often offers promotional prices to entice new subscribers, and if you remain alert, you could end up saving a lot of money.

Another thing is that the program comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee that allows you to try it out, and if you are not satisfied with it, you could always ask for a full refund of your money.

Who Is Rule Your Retirement Best For?

This is an all-rounded service that would be of great use to different classes of investors. First, the retirees could use this program to learn a thing or two about short and long-term investment decisions. The aim is to ensure that you can handle your bills without any issues.

Not only retirees but even young professionals could find this program to be beneficial. It is not too early to start planning for your retirement, and RY could help you in this instance.

You could also use this program if you are a family man who has just realized that time is not a constant factor, and you have wasted lots of it. Rule Your Retirement would tell you about accelerated investment plans which aim to help you recover lost time.

In general, we can say that Rule Your Retirement Service is not restricted to a particular age group.


  • It is not limited to a particular group of investors
  • Allows for members to interact and share ideas
  • Fairly priced
  • Offers different investment ideas rather than stocks only
  • Has a 30-day money-back guarantee


  • Not all the recommendations end up being successful
  • Not ideal for risk-tolerant active and short-term investors


As you have seen, the topic of retirement does not have to be scary. Further, you do not have to be a finance guru to plan out your retirement to have a steady flow income to enable you to cater to your obligations.

Even better is that you have investment tools such as Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement to guide you through the planning. An important point to keep in mind is that you are never too young to plan for your retirement, and nothing is stopping you from starting today.

If you want your finances to be in order during your retirement, Rule Your Retirement is a handy guide that is here for you all day.