Trading Tickers 2 Review




Trading Tickers 2 is a trading education and analysis service that provides market analysis, training videos, and trade alerts to help traders make informed and profitable decisions. It is led by experienced traders and offers resources and support for traders at all levels.

More people are getting into trading and understandably so. Why? Because it is one of those businesses where you can make a large profit within a short period. However, not everyone gets to enjoy this because you would have to know when to invest in particular stocks and when to sell them.

In that regard, you may want to learn firsthand from someone who has been able to do that. The Trading Tickers program is a guide designed to help you make it in the stock trading market. Now, you may have gone through the first phase of this program and you are wondering what the second version has in store.

Well, the wait is now over as the sequel to the first version is out now. Trading Tickers 2 promises to help you in the trading market rather than lose your hard-earned money investing in ill-advised stocks. 

Is the program worth it? You would have to keep it here to find out, wouldn't you?

Trading Tickers 2 Overview

trading tickers 2

Essentially, Trading Tickers 2 is an online course with a whopping 8-chapters to help you win in the day trading field. We know this sounds quite average and more like all the other day trading options in the market but we can assure you that Trading Tickers 2 is worth checking out.

The first thing you would want to do is look at it as some sort of package. Why do we say this? You see, Trading Tickers can be classified as a blueprint for trading strategies as well as a trading course. That means you get to learn the ins and outs of trading and then you learn how a self-made millionaire made it in the market.

Aside from that, you will also get to find out what tools the creator of the program uses and the rules and concepts he follows for success.

How Trading Tickers 2 Works

trading tickers results

Just as we have mentioned, Trading Tickers 2 is an online course that is supposed to help you master the art of day trading. In it, you will get access to 8 chapters of all the information you need to make it big. We can tell you for sure that the information you will get in the guide is something that even Wall Street cannot teach you.

What's more, the creator of the course goes over his checklist and risk analysis to ensure that he has a solid plan in place before entering a trade. This can be compared to those tricks displayed by magicians – they look complicated from the outside but if you get a chance to find out how it all comes to be, you realize that it is not as complicated.

We know you are probably thinking that this program sounds like a finance course but nothing could be further from the truth. From what we see, this is more of a personalized master class with an expert trader. He talks about work, concepts, and shop but as you go through the course, you will realize that he also talks about himself and how he deals with both losses and wins.

Tim, the creator of this course, is one of the most honest and down-to-earth traders in the industry. He doesn't shy away from talking about his mistakes and losses which is a good thing because then, you get to learn from them.

We think that is commendable as well and sets this program apart from the others that just talk about profits without mentioning that there is a risk of losing.

What it includes

We have mentioned severally that this course contains eight chapters. Well, here is where the rubber meets the road. Let us get right into what those chapters entail, shall we?

Chapter 1

This introductory chapter covers some of the major trading mistakes that Tim made and that stands out for us. It's true, he did make $13 million from day trading but he doesn't hide the fact he faced some major setbacks. He also has shared this on Twitter.

Anyway, he offers a golden rule in this chapter and it has to do with maintaining your trading plan rather than adding to losers. With this, we can confidently say that this has significantly reduced to increase risk management.

Chapter 2

In the second chapter, the creator addresses some of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to trading. In response, he covers the best apps, software, and brokers that you need to use to make the most out of trading. 

Aside from that, he also talks about how to use the basics to make functional trades daily.

Chapter 3

At this point, Grittani brings out the spreadsheets. He demonstrates how to use them for optimizing trading strategies and tracking data.

If you had the opportunity to check out the first version of Trading Tickers or if you are an avid follower of his, you probably already know that he is a nerd as far as using statistics to increase your chances of succeeding with setups as well as tracking data.

Chapter 4

The fourth chapter is all about updating and reviewing all the strategies revealed in the first version of Trading Tickers.

To add some icing to the cake, Tim does demonstrate an entire 7 live trades to show how he enhances the procedures.

Chapter 5

Here, the creator talks about how he used 7 live trades that follow his new rules to correct a losing strategy.

This lets you know that you can also turn your losing strategies as well and make it big in the trading market.

Chapter 6

You will love this chapter because, in it, Tim lets you in on a new technical strategy designed for overnight trading. He takes you through a comprehensive breakdown of the setup standards he looks for.

Chapter 7

At this point, you are getting close to the end of the course, but you will still learn something. In this chapter, the creator shares his favorite techniques when it comes to getting into stocks. This is when they drop with all the configuration setups broken down comprehensively. 

Now, this may be hard to grasp but you can always re-watch and reefer whenever you need to until you grasp the concept.

Chapter 8

You are now in the final chapter and here, Tim digs into more data and talks about how data sources helped expand his trading on a generally recognized trading setup.

About the Creator

tim grittani

The creator of Trading Tickers 2 is a man named Tim Grittani. He put together this online course to discuss the short and long of trading for returns. He is self-made but unlike other traders of the same nature, he willingly shares his knowledge when it comes to trading stocks. 

He even goes further to leave a blueprint for success that can be followed later. You will get access to all of Grittani's public trades once you purchase the program – even the ones that didn't bring in huge returns.

Of course, this is a breath of fresh air seeing as most similar programs tend to mislead people into thinking that there are no risks associated with trading.

 It's a welcome change to screenshots and testimonials from other guides who claim that they haven't made any losses throughout their entire trading career.

Do I Have to Watch the First Trader Tickers?

Now, you are probably wondering if you must go through the first version of this program to understand this one so here is what we think. The original Trading Tickers does offer value but it is not a requirement to watching Trading Tickers 2. 

This is because this second version covers all crucial updates and displays Grittani's entire performance chart. That means that it has all the information you need so while going through the first course is ideal, it is not mandatory.


  • The program is systematically organized to ensure that you do not go wrong along the way
  • You get instant access to the guide once you pay for it
  • It provides an insightful look into Tim's best strategies and trading process
  • You get many updates from the original course as far as what doesn't work anymore and what still works
  • Access to new hours of live trading footage and the chance to look over the creator's shoulder
  • It is easier to grasp and digest seeing, as it is not as lengthy as the original version
  • The author uses simple language making the course easier to understand


  • You will not get a hard copy DVD. The course can only be digitally streamed.
  • The program is quite costly
  • The course doesn't offer any quizzes or homework to gauge your learning


The sequel to Trading Tickers updates the strategies and concepts discussed in the original course. This was necessary because things have changed over time and you need to keep up if you are to excel in day trading.

The first course was good and we can assure you that the follow-up is just as good or even better. We would therefore recommend it to anyone interested in making the most out of trading.